Creative & Communication Direction for 24-7 Prayer USA

Creative, copywriting, web design

Taking on the communications for 24-7 Prayer USA was so exciting. They have so much amazing content that helps people pray and get connected to communities across the globe. One problem I noticed with the state of their site was that it was confusing and a lot of the information was not organized well. To help people quickly connect to the mission of the organization, I proposed a site redesign starting with reimagining the architecture of the information.

Over several months we got the site to a better place and created a new page for the unbroken year of prayer - which allowed for churches and groups to commit to praying for a week, and sign up to claim that week. Within weeks of launching that page, we had all 52 weeks for 2024 claimed.

In the meantime I was also managing social media, promoting our National Gathering, and sending newsletters.